Gotta face it...

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Gotta face it...

Postby DeadRinger » Sun Dec 27, 2020 3:52 pm

Gruden’s teams can’t finish. They can’t finish games, they can’t finish seasons. They just fucking fall apart. And a big part of that is because he makes sure the team is in a position to fucking LOSE every single time.

We know the problems.

1. The defense hasn’t been good since the early 2000s. I mean, fuckin BAD.

2. That said, the offense can’t live up to its potential, and there are TWO reasons for that In my opinion.

a) Gruden’s play calling is weak and predictable
b) The way Carr plays, it’s just flat-out HARD to IMPOSSIBLE for him to put up 350-400 yds passing when we need it. He’s a solid WC QB, he’s not prolific, and he never will be. Among other things, he’s too scared to throw into tight windows, even though he has the arm and accuracy to do so. And unfortunately, that’s not good enough when our defense is dog shit.

3. This team tolerates “injuries” like missing games is just ok, not a problem, see you in a few weeks. BULLSHIT. That fucking culture MUST change. Guys like Alzado, Hendricks, Long, Tatum - those dudes would be slapping these bitches around and telling them to get the fuck out on the field and play hard. It’s fucking embarrassing. And I guarantee when/if these same guys wind up on another team, their injury propensities change dramatically.

So there are FOUR specific issues dragging us down into the pit of mediocrity and if we can’t COMPLETELY fix at least two of them by next season WITHOUT creating any MORE issues, we’re in for another 7-9 year.

So... let’s hear your off-season fixes, and let’s not talk about ditching Gruden because we all know he has AT LEAST one more year at the helm. He and Mayock have only had 2 years together, they’ll get next season but I guarantee if we see YET ANOTHER carbon copy, they will be “evaluated.”
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Re: Gotta face it...

Postby silver & black » Sun Dec 27, 2020 5:14 pm

I agree 100% with you. Gruden is a fucking pussy when it comes to choking out his opponent. He is just like Carr.... NOT a leader. I never wanted him back. I still don't want him. He lacks the two qualities that every head coach and QB needs.................. leadership and the overwhelming desire to kill the opponent.
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