Lack of availability

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Lack of availability

Postby DeadRinger » Fri Dec 18, 2020 8:58 am

So guys, I'm thinking about what's killing us these last 2 seasons and lack of player availability is a HUGE factor late in the season.

You look at this year - THIS game specifically.

Let's start with guys we lost early on. Tyrell Williams and Richie Incognito were supposed to be HUGE parts of this team. Both of those guys gone. Bryan Edwards was basically supposed to replace Williams but was on IR for most of the season and when he came back nobody wanted to work him back into the offense. So that's basically 20% of a team's WRs gone early. And we're talking about starters, not scrubs.

Moving on in the season, we lost Maliek Collins for good. Now we have only TWO DTs on our 53-man roster. And Mo Hurst was out for a ton of games. So we were bringing up DEs from the PS to play DT for us.

Coming to this particular game, we were also missing Ferrell. That's 50% of our starting D-line GONE.

Also missing THREE of our starting DBs - Abram, Arnette and Heath (Heath might not be a starter but he SHOULD be). Those are critical guys, and it showed in our COMPLETE lack of coverage. Guys, we were playing Dallin Levitt at fucking Safety! He's a fuckin PS bum!

Morrow was out, the guy who has been playing really well in the middle.

On offense Ruggs was out so nobody had to respect the deep part of the field. So who started opposite Agholor? ZAY fucking JONES! That's right, Zay Jones started at WR for us last night.

Then Carr pulls up lame, we have to put in Mariota. People say he had a "stellar" game. Well it doesn't look all that great to me. Seems like he threw a pretty damn critical pick. And he was only able to drive us into FG range in OT - you KNOW that's a death sentence with our defense. And if he has to run for 90 yards every game, he'll be broken so fast it'll be Peterman before we know it.

Here's the bottom line. Something is fucking wrong with this team. I don't know if it's a strength and conditioning problem, or a problem with the training staff, or the team doctors, or they're not practicing right or what. Or maybe our guys are just a bunch of fucking pussies.

Either way, you can't make the playoffs like this. THIS is how you lose 5 of your final 6 games of the season.

Something HAS to be done about this horse shit, it's a fucking epidemic and it can't be tolerated.
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Re: Lack of availability

Postby DeadRinger » Fri Dec 18, 2020 9:57 am

You know, you look at a guy like Tom Brady. Go look at his career stat lines. Aside from the season he missed with a torn ACL, it goes like this:

16 16
16 16
16 16
16 16
16 16
16 16
16 16
16 16
16 16
16 16
16 16
16 16
16 16

Get the drift?

Aside from that one season, he never missed ONE fucking game since he became a starter. And he's been playing for a MILLION fucking years. And you KNOW that EVERY player on the opposing defense if gunning for this dude.

That tells me that young guys in this league are fucking bitches.
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Re: Lack of availability

Postby silver & black » Fri Dec 18, 2020 3:47 pm

On this team, the "Gruden Grinders" are non existent. For a guy that loves tough players, Gruden sure does let the little pussies get away with way too much shit. This team could have more talent than any other in the league and it would still find a way to fuck shit up. Fuck Carr and fuck Gruden....................... replace both of them!
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Re: Lack of availability

Postby DeadRinger » Sat Dec 19, 2020 11:10 am

And I don’t understand how so many guys injure themselves just running down the field like Carr did. When I was a young guy that shit never happened to me, even when I was running around out of shape. I’d go play full contact football with no fuckin pads, and my quads would be so sore the next day I could barely get up the stairs in the buildings at my college. I wasn’t in NEAR the kind of condition these bitches are in - no injuries, no torn groin, no torn hamstring...

Once during one of these games I went low to tackle this dude who was running the ball and took his knee right in the side of my head. I blacked out for a second and when I opened my eyes, the whole world was fucking YELLOW. Yeah, that’s no bullshit, that’s how bad it fucked my head up. And I got up, shook it off for maybe 10 min, drank some water, and we kept fucking playing.

You know, I think every one of our players should have to go through a mandatory ACL tear. Because I guarantee you Moreau wouldn’t be missing any time this season just because he was dinged a little bit.
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