My daughter knows Xavier McKinney

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My daughter knows Xavier McKinney

Postby DeadRinger » Sun Feb 23, 2020 5:56 pm

They went to high school together here in ATL at Roswell High School and they hung out together at times. My daughter is now in her 2nd semester now at Alabama and they run into each other Quite a bit. She says he’s a huge fan of himself now and she doesn’t like him much anymore.

She has also met a lot of the other Alabama players.

She says Tua is “a total asshole.” Apparently he thinks the team’s success is 100% attributable to him and him alone. He’s one of the most obnoxious people she’s ever met.

She has met Jerry Jeudy and says he’s her favorite player because he’s a really cool, down to earth, laid back guy who likes to crack jokes and laugh. No condescension at all.

She met Raekwon Davis briefly and got the impression he’s pretty stupid. Cave man type.

Just some real life insight for you.
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