Hillary Clinton On Gaddafi: We came, We Saw, He Died

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Re: Hillary Clinton On Gaddafi: We came, We Saw, He Died

Postby Forbiddenraider » Tue Jun 07, 2016 5:17 pm

Trump just completely fucked up with that Mexican judge. Now the few republican allies he had have turned on him. Trump is a total idiot and is not qualified to run a fuckin country in any way shape or form. He was born rich and has gotten whatever he wanted his whole life and when he doesn't get what he wants he acts like a petulant child. He's a jack ass snake oil salesman with a bad wig. All that being said, he's 100% better than that waddling half man half woman bull dyke criminal Hillary Clinton. I still can't fathom that these are the two people running for the most powerful position in the world. It's mind boggling.
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Re: Hillary Clinton On Gaddafi: We came, We Saw, He Died

Postby Forbiddenraider » Tue Jun 07, 2016 5:19 pm

It's a big shit sandwich! We are all doomed! Your children are fucked! They will have no future. We may have reached the end!
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Re: Hillary Clinton On Gaddafi: We came, We Saw, He Died

Postby Tenebrous » Tue Jun 07, 2016 5:34 pm

DeadRinger wrote:
Tenebrous wrote:
DeadRinger wrote:Our government has gotten us into so many fuckig money pits we have to get out of some of them, period. We are choking ourselves to death..

Hillary will burst the debt bubble, and then it won't fucking matter if we're in NATO or not. Because it will be unmitigated chaos. It's going to be the most destructive, most predictable, most avoidable global disaster ever.

You need to get your head clear man.

Do you actually believe we can save this country without some serious fucking surgery? It's time for the hedgehog principle. Look it up.

Trump wants to expand Obamacare, expand eminent domain, restrict the 1st (and seemingly second) Amendments and has said that the wealthy do not pay enough in taxes. Cutting NATO is not a solution when you are expanding the size and cost of government. Cruz wanted to restrict the federal government, ie the EPA, IRS, Department of Education etc. I see the problem man, but we seem to disagree on the solutions.

Actually I don't think we disagree on the solution at all. We just disagree on whether or not Trump would be a step in the right direction.

To me it's obvious. But you seem to think he holds a bunch of position he doesn't hold, so that's all up to you.

I guess, more specifically, I am looking at what Trump has said/done throughout his adult life, while you seem to believe candidate Trump is somehow divorced from his own history.

Has Trump spoken out against guns and agreed with Obama's anti-2nd-amendment speech after Newtown? Yes.

Has Trump at around 60 years old said that he was very pro-choice and has been his entire life? Yes.

Has Trump imported foreign workers to keep wages down? Yes.
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Hillary vs. Trump -- Two liberals running in the general election .. A race likely decided by which party hates their dishonest candidate less.

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Re: Hillary Clinton On Gaddafi: We came, We Saw, He Died

Postby DeadRinger » Wed Jun 08, 2016 12:18 pm

You're right. I don't give a shit what he has said in the past. I don't give two shits what he decided to do to make his business more successful.

I want a wall built. I want illegals deported. I want ISIS killed. I want regulations rolled back. I want gun rights expanded. I want Obamacaere repealed and replaced. I want taxes cut. I want government agencies shuttered.

Trump has said he'll do all that. Will he actually do it? Not all of it I'm sure. But even if he just gets half of it done we're FAR better off than before.

The real question is: will Hillary do ANY of it? FUCK NO. Matter of fact, she'll do the exact opposite of ALL those things.

Once again, the decision is simple. It's binary. You are either for Trump or or you're for Hillary. If you have convinced yourself there's some other option, you're deluded.

There are 4 courses of action that make up this binary choice.

1. Vote for Trump
2. Vote for Hillary
3. Vote for ANYONE other than those two
4. Don't vote

ALL of those choices - except for #1 - is an effective vote for Hillary.

So, either vote for Trump or You're voting for Hillary. Period.

When Romney was the candidate a lot of Repubs stayed home because they didn't like him. It was an unmitigated DISASTER for this nation. How much more debt have we accumulated because of it? Every day that passes cements Obamacare more and more. Every day that passes brings us closer to default.

But here's the most important fact of all, Tene. Next presidential term will DEFINE this nation for the next 50 years. How?

Two words: Supreme Court. At least 3, maybe as many as 4 new justices.

Don't be stupid Tene. I hope to God you won't let your hate get the better of you. Only liberals let their emotions rule them. This logic is infallible and irrefutable.
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Re: Hillary Clinton On Gaddafi: We came, We Saw, He Died

Postby silver & black » Wed Jun 08, 2016 5:35 pm

I couldn't agree with DR more if I wanted to. Call it what you will.
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Re: Hillary Clinton On Gaddafi: We came, We Saw, He Died

Postby Forbiddenraider » Thu Jun 09, 2016 9:41 am

I agree too. If you don't vote it's a vote for Hillary. I'm going to vote for Trump but I really don't want to. I fear Hillary will finish this country off for good. That liberal bitch should be in jail. I always said when Obama got elected that it's not him we have to worry about it's what he represents. Notice how ever since Obama got in the transgender thing went from an Undergroud freakshow but now we are changing bathrooms to appease them. Immigration even more out of control, chaos & violence among the inner city apes reaches an all time high. Free welfare ride continues. Sad that the only alternative to these liberal fucks is Trump? Ughhhh!! Trump University is a fraud, Trump picking the pockets of pathetic poor people hes the classic case of a Wall Street ass wipe and he is a total hypocrite. It's like picking between Satan & Hitler
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Re: Hillary Clinton On Gaddafi: We came, We Saw, He Died

Postby silver & black » Thu Jun 09, 2016 11:15 am

It's a race to the bottom.
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Re: Hillary Clinton On Gaddafi: We came, We Saw, He Died

Postby DeadRinger » Thu Jun 09, 2016 10:09 pm

All Trump will do is slow things down for a while. Anything that gives my kids another hour of freedom, another split second of prosperity - that's the path I take. And the path, my friends, is fucking crystal clear.

The time for taking up arms will undoubtedly come. But not this year. We can still have another decade or so if we play our cards right.
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