Actually this is the best thing to happen

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Actually this is the best thing to happen

Postby Forbiddenraider » Tue Mar 10, 2015 4:45 pm

Now it's official. Reggie is done. This FA shit proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Reggie is absolutely finished. We will win 2-3 games next year. Reggie will be gone by week 6. Once again he is making the team worse! Unfuckinbelievable! I just can't believe the way this guy does things. I would kill to have Al Davis back as shitty as he was he was 1000x better than this brainless baboon fuckin shit head. Reggie should be made to face the media and fans and speak about, well try to speak about what his plan was, who he went after and what he was offering these players. Reggie is a spineless, lazy dumb fat fuck. What I can't understand is Khighton was Del Rios boy and said he wanted to play for Jack Del Rio and still not to get this guy is a mind fuck. Bad news is we struck out and whiffed on everyone so next year is another wasted season. Good news is that we will finally after 4 agonizing years of this stupid fat ape piece of trash will finally, finally be fucking free of Reggie. Even the Reggie ass kissers and fanboys have to admit the guy is WORTHLESS. I will not watch a Raiders game until he is fired. I don't care if we hire Bozo the clown, Charles Manson or fucking Justin Bieber to be GM it's a major upgrade. In closing I would just like to say FUCK YOU REGGIE YOU FAT UGLY GREASY CHEAP UGLY BANANA EATING SLOB GORILLA SCROTUM FUCKING SCUMBAG! FFFFFFFUUUUCCCCKKKKK YYYYOUUU! DIE YOU HIDEOUS BEAST!!!!
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