The Muslim ban from Trump

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The Muslim ban from Trump

Postby Forbiddenraider » Mon Jan 30, 2017 4:24 pm

Trump has done a great job with this. But this shows just how bad America has gotten. Not because of the ban but because of the reaction to it. Think of the insanity behind this, these scumbag protesters and Hollywood leaders bers like that faggot Asston Kutcher saying my American is the same America as a Muslims America. Good! Asshole! So don't cry when a terrorist bombs one of your shitty movie sets! Shitty ass actor who the fuck watches this guys horrible shit? The reaction to a man trying to secure borders is fucking disgusting and I'm ashamed to be an American on this day. They are so fucking pussified that they would rather put their children's lives in jeopardy than offend a Muslim or a niggger or whoever the fuck. I don't even give a fuck anymore let the idiots in this country got what they deserve. When a terrorist shoots up a school or bar or whatever? You fuckin deserved it you little snowflake twats. You had a chance to stop them but you were too worried about being politically incorrect. Fuck you all
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Re: The Muslim ban from Trump

Postby Forbiddenraider » Mon Jan 30, 2017 4:26 pm

Fuckin autocorrect is out of control
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Re: The Muslim ban from Trump

Postby silver & black » Mon Jan 30, 2017 4:43 pm

I think it's great! Finally.... a President that is doing what he said he would do! I love all the little snowflakes that are crying about every fucking thing Trump says or does. Fuck all of them! AMERICA FIRST!

The funny thing is, it isn't even a ban.... just a 90 day halt to get the vetting process under control. These fucking Libtards are off the hook with their crying and whining. I really don't understand the opposition to keeping this country safe. Trump has never said he was anti immigrant. He just said we need to be careful who we let in. He never said he would deport ALL immigrants.... just the illegal one's. Why is that a problem?! Any of the Libbies on here want to enlighten me?
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Re: The Muslim ban from Trump

Postby Forbiddenraider » Mon Jan 30, 2017 4:47 pm

These snowflakes are more offended by the temp ban of Muslims than when the Muslims attack us! You won't get any answers from the liberals on here Silver you know that. Most of the libs on here have quit. Remember Ghost? They won't answer you because you are 100% right and they are pussy jack offs!
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Re: The Muslim ban from Trump

Postby FreddieB25 » Tue Jan 31, 2017 12:22 am

Where is all the outrage by these hypocritical libs under the Obongo administration regarding black on black homicide in the inner cities especially Chicago. No protests or demonstrations but when a white cop shoots a black youth there are protests, demonstrations and rioting. Black lives matters was born out of some of those earlier cop shootings. You have young nine to twelve year old black kids getting murdered in the inner cities and are afraid for their lives and we don't see any BLM marches or anything and the media coverage is nonexistent. Guess those black lives don't matter but some thug getting shot by a white cop does matter. Guess if a black kills a black it isn't important in the eyes of the media and BLM. That right there is a fuckin crock of shit and some the most hypocritical politically based bullshit I've ever seen in my life. Regarding Trump's travel ban. Yeah it was poorly coordinated but since when is national security and safety such a low priority where a big fuckin stink was made of 90 people detained out of hundreds of thousands in the name of national safety and just making sure they were clean. Yeah they were inconvenienced and let go hours later but ISIS is an inconvenience and a real threat and happen to be an extreme faction of your supposedly peaceful religion. I like a hard line president that is nationalistic and believes strongly in national security. If people think he's ainti-muslim than so be it because the threat is coming from those nations and members of that religion. Rather be safe than sorry and worry about inconveniencing people at a fuckin airport.
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Re: The Muslim ban from Trump

Postby blazin1 » Tue Jan 31, 2017 12:42 pm

My Facebook feed is hilarious. A bunch of melty snowflakes losing their minds. I fucking hated Obummer but I didn't act like a little twat over his sorry ass winning. Liberals make me sick. Now the idiot leftists are calling for war with the right. They aren't very bright.
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Re: The Muslim ban from Trump

Postby 790thSFS » Tue Jan 31, 2017 12:51 pm

blazin1 wrote:My Facebook feed is hilarious. A bunch of melty snowflakes losing their minds. I fucking hated Obummer but I didn't act like a little twat over his sorry ass winning. Liberals make me sick. Now the idiot leftists are calling for war with the right. They aren't very bright.

if its not your personal FB account, what is the link?
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Re: The Muslim ban from Trump

Postby 790thSFS » Tue Jan 31, 2017 1:15 pm

So let me get this straight, the last major terror attack on our soil was done by 19 middle eastern immigrants that came here LEGALLY. You guys know that they would have still been able to come in even under the current muslim ban signed by Trump right? None of those countries they came from were on his list.

The wall, that's fucking stupid. Most illegals come here with visa's and let them expire and they don't go back because of work, family or whatever. Whenever you cross the US/Mex border, all you have to say to the border agents is American Citizen and they let me right in. And that job sucks. They can't find enough people to fill that job, let alone Spanish speakers. The US/Mex border is one was the most environmentally hazard areas in north america. Little water sources in most areas, extreme cold and hot temps depending on the time of year. Not to mention the billion cartels that run drugs over the areas they control. Most border agents last about a year and move on. If you take that job, your best bet is San Diego, other than that you'll be posted in a isolated and dangerous areas with bad healthcare, schools, poverty, long working hours, and little time off.

You guys are slopping on Trumps nuts sack over executive orders, Obama signed an Order to close GITMO his first week in office, guess what, its still there.
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Re: The Muslim ban from Trump

Postby 790thSFS » Tue Jan 31, 2017 1:37 pm

silver & black wrote:I think it's great! Finally.... a President that is doing what he said he would do! I love all the little snowflakes that are crying about every fucking thing Trump says or does. Fuck all of them! AMERICA FIRST!

The funny thing is, it isn't even a ban.... just a 90 day halt to get the vetting process under control. These fucking Libtards are off the hook with their crying and whining. I really don't understand the opposition to keeping this country safe. Trump has never said he was anti immigrant. He just said we need to be careful who we let in. He never said he would deport ALL immigrants.... just the illegal one's. Why is that a problem?! Any of the Libbies on here want to enlighten me?

what I don't get is why you guys get mad about protesting? Protesting is an american as owning firearms. Its a right unlike a lot of countries around the world. I bet your the type of guy to yell out, "Send our troops" and never served. If you hate protesting, move to Russia, Syria, Iran, Etc. They kill them over there.
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Re: The Muslim ban from Trump

Postby Forbiddenraider » Tue Jan 31, 2017 2:14 pm

Protesting a war? Yes. Protesting bad job conditions? Exc....... protesting a fucking president who won fair & square is a fucking cop out. You can't change it like you could a war, protests can change the view of war like in Nam. You can't change the presidency because you have no right to. You can't act like a little bitch cause you lost and that's what these protesting fags are doing. It's like if the Raiders lose fair & square and I stand in front of the stadium with a sign saying no! Fuck that I refuse to accept we lost so I'm gonna stand here and complain like a bitch. It's just a bunch of white trash snowflakes and dumb niggggers at these protests anyway. What kind of fag would actually take time out of their day and drive the a fuckng airport to protest Trump? Someone without a life or a job obviously. 790 is right on one point, Trump needs to ban all Muslim countries including Saudi Arabia. The liberals are so fuckng stupid. All countries have borders for a reason. If you are dumb enough to have open borders you are gonna have a hard time keeping the people who want to kill you out!! Stupid fucks! I would ban Muslims and their religion I would piss on the Koran
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