790thSFS wrote:silver & black wrote:I think it's great! Finally.... a President that is doing what he said he would do! I love all the little snowflakes that are crying about every fucking thing Trump says or does. Fuck all of them! AMERICA FIRST!
The funny thing is, it isn't even a ban.... just a 90 day halt to get the vetting process under control. These fucking Libtards are off the hook with their crying and whining. I really don't understand the opposition to keeping this country safe. Trump has never said he was anti immigrant. He just said we need to be careful who we let in. He never said he would deport ALL immigrants.... just the illegal one's. Why is that a problem?! Any of the Libbies on here want to enlighten me?
what I don't get is why you guys get mad about protesting? Protesting is an american as owning firearms. Its a right unlike a lot of countries around the world. I bet your the type of guy to yell out, "Send our troops" and never served. If you hate protesting, move to Russia, Syria, Iran, Etc. They kill them over there.
silver & black wrote:Here is the Liberal's hero in his 1995 State of the Union address. Go figure. It's just fine to whine and cry and stomp your feet now, though! WTF!
silver & black wrote:790thSFS wrote:silver & black wrote:I think it's great! Finally.... a President that is doing what he said he would do! I love all the little snowflakes that are crying about every fucking thing Trump says or does. Fuck all of them! AMERICA FIRST!
The funny thing is, it isn't even a ban.... just a 90 day halt to get the vetting process under control. These fucking Libtards are off the hook with their crying and whining. I really don't understand the opposition to keeping this country safe. Trump has never said he was anti immigrant. He just said we need to be careful who we let in. He never said he would deport ALL immigrants.... just the illegal one's. Why is that a problem?! Any of the Libbies on here want to enlighten me?
what I don't get is why you guys get mad about protesting? Protesting is an american as owning firearms. Its a right unlike a lot of countries around the world. I bet your the type of guy to yell out, "Send our troops" and never served. If you hate protesting, move to Russia, Syria, Iran, Etc. They kill them over there.
Where did you get that I'm mad about protesting from my post? Protest all you want! I agree with you! But..... what the Liberals are doing is whining and crying over every damn thing. I'm not exactly happy that Trump is the POTUS. I would have much rather seen one of the other candidates win the nomination. It is what it is, Trump IS the POTUS, so...... get through the next 4 years as best you can. Those of us that thought/think Obama was a terrible POTUS had to get through 8 years of it. I didn't see any of the bullshit hystrionics from the right that I'm see from the left! Protest all you want.... it's your right! But.... please do it in a respectful manner instead of acting like petulant children.
The left has no one to blame but themselves for the guy in the White House. Bernie??? Really??? Hillary??? LOL!!! All they had to do was put a competent, respectable candidate up, and it would have been no contest. America was/is sick and tired of the status quo that the left was/is mired in. Trump is going to be one hell of ride, but he aint gonna be business as usual! Lets all hope that the next election brings some seriously needed change to the system.... and both fucked up parties. We AMERICANS deserve it!
790thSFS wrote:blazin1 wrote:My Facebook feed is hilarious. A bunch of melty snowflakes losing their minds. I fucking hated Obummer but I didn't act like a little twat over his sorry ass winning. Liberals make me sick. Now the idiot leftists are calling for war with the right. They aren't very bright.
if its not your personal FB account, what is the link?
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