The Muslim ban from Trump

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Re: The Muslim ban from Trump

Postby Forbiddenraider » Tue Jan 31, 2017 2:33 pm

Solving the border problem could be easy. Just shoot every spic in sight! That's how it would have been done in the old days. Simple, effective.
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Re: The Muslim ban from Trump

Postby silver & black » Tue Jan 31, 2017 3:13 pm

790thSFS wrote:
silver & black wrote:I think it's great! Finally.... a President that is doing what he said he would do! I love all the little snowflakes that are crying about every fucking thing Trump says or does. Fuck all of them! AMERICA FIRST!

The funny thing is, it isn't even a ban.... just a 90 day halt to get the vetting process under control. These fucking Libtards are off the hook with their crying and whining. I really don't understand the opposition to keeping this country safe. Trump has never said he was anti immigrant. He just said we need to be careful who we let in. He never said he would deport ALL immigrants.... just the illegal one's. Why is that a problem?! Any of the Libbies on here want to enlighten me?

what I don't get is why you guys get mad about protesting? Protesting is an american as owning firearms. Its a right unlike a lot of countries around the world. I bet your the type of guy to yell out, "Send our troops" and never served. If you hate protesting, move to Russia, Syria, Iran, Etc. They kill them over there.

Where did you get that I'm mad about protesting from my post? Protest all you want! I agree with you! But..... what the Liberals are doing is whining and crying over every damn thing. I'm not exactly happy that Trump is the POTUS. I would have much rather seen one of the other candidates win the nomination. It is what it is, Trump IS the POTUS, so...... get through the next 4 years as best you can. Those of us that thought/think Obama was a terrible POTUS had to get through 8 years of it. I didn't see any of the bullshit hystrionics from the right that I'm see from the left! Protest all you want.... it's your right! But.... please do it in a respectful manner instead of acting like petulant children.

The left has no one to blame but themselves for the guy in the White House. Bernie??? Really??? Hillary??? LOL!!! All they had to do was put a competent, respectable candidate up, and it would have been no contest. America was/is sick and tired of the status quo that the left was/is mired in. Trump is going to be one hell of ride, but he aint gonna be business as usual! Lets all hope that the next election brings some seriously needed change to the system.... and both fucked up parties. We AMERICANS deserve it!
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Re: The Muslim ban from Trump

Postby silver & black » Tue Jan 31, 2017 3:23 pm

Here is the Liberal's hero in his 1995 State of the Union address. Go figure :roll: . It's just fine to whine and cry and stomp your feet now, though! WTF!
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Re: The Muslim ban from Trump

Postby 790thSFS » Tue Jan 31, 2017 3:45 pm

silver & black wrote:Here is the Liberal's hero in his 1995 State of the Union address. Go figure :roll: . It's just fine to whine and cry and stomp your feet now, though! WTF!

And the funny part is republicans still HATE the Clintons. There was no social media then to fuel the fire.
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Re: The Muslim ban from Trump

Postby silver & black » Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:59 pm

Well, it isn't just Republicans that hate the Clintons. A fair number of Democrats can't stand them either. Too many people have gone "missing" and/or turned up dead at very opportune times for the Clintons. ... ing-cases/ I don't understand why the Left would put Hillary up against anyone with all the scandal and shady shit she was involved with. It was pretty dumb to put her as the nominee when she was being actively investigated for, shall we say...... misdeeds. The Clintons are unscrupulous, to say the least. And yea...... Trump aint no angel, I'm sure.
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Re: The Muslim ban from Trump

Postby Forbiddenraider » Tue Jan 31, 2017 6:24 pm

A good idea for our illegal alien problem would be to grant citizenship to the ones who are here now. Then close the border completely with the military. The catch is, For every Mexican we grant citizenship to we get rid of 27 nigggers. I think that's a fair deal. At least a Mexican will work, lawns,dishes, cleaning and although they are silly & ignorant they pose a minimal threat compared to the Niggger. This should be submitted to congress. But yeah the liberals are insane. Backed by the massive power of the Jew the liberal uses news stations, entertainment, music to get shit to go thier way. The Republicans have power of Christianity behind them but they are fading out. Bullshit vs bullshit and the ones that lose are the citizens.
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Re: The Muslim ban from Trump

Postby 790thSFS » Tue Jan 31, 2017 7:55 pm

silver & black wrote:
790thSFS wrote:
silver & black wrote:I think it's great! Finally.... a President that is doing what he said he would do! I love all the little snowflakes that are crying about every fucking thing Trump says or does. Fuck all of them! AMERICA FIRST!

The funny thing is, it isn't even a ban.... just a 90 day halt to get the vetting process under control. These fucking Libtards are off the hook with their crying and whining. I really don't understand the opposition to keeping this country safe. Trump has never said he was anti immigrant. He just said we need to be careful who we let in. He never said he would deport ALL immigrants.... just the illegal one's. Why is that a problem?! Any of the Libbies on here want to enlighten me?

what I don't get is why you guys get mad about protesting? Protesting is an american as owning firearms. Its a right unlike a lot of countries around the world. I bet your the type of guy to yell out, "Send our troops" and never served. If you hate protesting, move to Russia, Syria, Iran, Etc. They kill them over there.

Where did you get that I'm mad about protesting from my post? Protest all you want! I agree with you! But..... what the Liberals are doing is whining and crying over every damn thing. I'm not exactly happy that Trump is the POTUS. I would have much rather seen one of the other candidates win the nomination. It is what it is, Trump IS the POTUS, so...... get through the next 4 years as best you can. Those of us that thought/think Obama was a terrible POTUS had to get through 8 years of it. I didn't see any of the bullshit hystrionics from the right that I'm see from the left! Protest all you want.... it's your right! But.... please do it in a respectful manner instead of acting like petulant children.

The left has no one to blame but themselves for the guy in the White House. Bernie??? Really??? Hillary??? LOL!!! All they had to do was put a competent, respectable candidate up, and it would have been no contest. America was/is sick and tired of the status quo that the left was/is mired in. Trump is going to be one hell of ride, but he aint gonna be business as usual! Lets all hope that the next election brings some seriously needed change to the system.... and both fucked up parties. We AMERICANS deserve it!

Yeah, the left was way too divided, I figured this out last summer. I could care less for the clintons, I served part of his years and it was bad for the US military. Once bush came into office, the military upgraded everything, our weapons, uniforms, vehicles, etc. but that asshole sent us to Iraq over "WMD's" that we never found. Silver Lining. The left will have to change up their game if they want to win the white house again. Before Clinton, JFK was was the only democratic president between them. Trump is in full swing, but can he maintain that for 4 years? I think we can agree lets hope for the best.

Last thing, I promise to be civil with you from now on, no more hate towards you. You deserve it. I wish more republicans which I believe are traditional republican are like you with a certain amount of sense. Like forbidden said, make the illegals here now legal with a certain status until they prove they are tax paying non criminal compliant like any other country. At the same time, Bush W proposed this same idea and he was totally shut down by the "right", there is no "gray area" which is the problem. Now its sorta becoming extreme which can grow and get worse for all of us regardless of "status".
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Re: The Muslim ban from Trump

Postby silver & black » Wed Feb 01, 2017 3:50 am

Both parties are broken. I would take a Democrat like JFK in a heart beat. The extreme factions on both sides are nuts, and they seem to have a foothold, unfortunately. The problem is that most of us are Centrists, leaning a bit one way or the other. In other words, "we" have common sense. The politicians?...... not so much!

As for being racist..... I'm not. I don't hate anyone. But..... I can't turn a blind eye to what I see. At some point, you have to take some responsibility for yourself and reflect on why people treat you like they do and why they feel/think the way they do. It isn't always "the man" holding you back.... sometimes, you hold yourself back. I'll just leave it at that.
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Re: The Muslim ban from Trump

Postby blazin1 » Wed Feb 01, 2017 10:41 am

790thSFS wrote:
blazin1 wrote:My Facebook feed is hilarious. A bunch of melty snowflakes losing their minds. I fucking hated Obummer but I didn't act like a little twat over his sorry ass winning. Liberals make me sick. Now the idiot leftists are calling for war with the right. They aren't very bright.

if its not your personal FB account, what is the link?

It's my personal account.
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