Forbiddenraider wrote:Blazin you should post the story on here. To all you faggot ass bitches that came on here & bitched at me for racist songs I put up and racist jokes call all go suck a dick! You know who you are Ghost you little bitch ass faggot. If I was this kids father I would torture & hang these WORTHLESS nigggers and their fucking parents from a tree. Make an Alabama wind chime out of all of them. If these filthy stinking savages aren't charged with a hate crime for this all white people should arms themselves against these nigggggers. It's Shitcago so they probly won't charge them. Niggggers are nothing more than ignorant, diseased pieces of shit. This video should outrage all civilized people to gas these fuckn animals. Reopen Aushwitz and cook these scumbags. Starve em and gas em cause they deserve it. Fuckin coons
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