790thSFS wrote:The only reason why people hate obama is because he is black. it has nothing to do with his policies. So say hello to $5 per gallon of gas. Another major recession because this always happens under a Republican president. more 9/11 type attacks like in the Bush era. Trump will only last his first term after the country really collapses. Only the drug cartels have control of the border. The DEA knows this and allows it. Along with ICE. Their top informants are high ranking cartel commanders. Wall or no wall, it won't change a thing. White people love heroine and meth too much to close that border.....
Forbiddenraider wrote:He has 4 years to do something. If not then he will be voted out. These liberal protesters and schools in Berkeley that are walking out of class are liberal douche bags. What are they protesting?? This is America we have an election, Trump won the election fairly. So what are those fags protesting? Cause they don't like him? So it's their way or the highway is what they are saying and how communist is that?!? God damn pussy ass fucks. I hate these liberal white protesters even more than niggggers. They are fuckin fags period.
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