What's Wrong With Hillary Clinton Supporters?

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What's Wrong With Hillary Clinton Supporters?

Postby blazin1 » Wed Oct 19, 2016 11:50 am

These brain-dead motherfuckers piss me off. They completely ignore the fact that she is a fucking criminal. They blindly support the bitch no matter what. Crooked Hillary should be in jail not running to be president of the United States.

Hillary also wants a 500 percent increase in muzzie refugees. Do you want your tax dollars going to support a bunch of assholes that want to rape and burn down America? I know I don't. Fuck that and fuck Hillary!
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Re: What's Wrong With Hillary Clinton Supporters?

Postby Forbiddenraider » Wed Oct 19, 2016 1:29 pm

They are total dumb asses! Open borders! Get your wallets out cause we got a steady stream of Syrian refugees coming into the country along with the Mexicans. For all you liberal faggots out there, who's gonna pay for these sand apes? Someone has to pay for their food, housing and health care. We already pay for all the illegal spics healthcare so what's a couple 20,000 more? Clinton should be in jail & if she was a republican she would be. Liberals are the most dangerous people on earth. We need another civil war & we should kill liberals
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Re: What's Wrong With Hillary Clinton Supporters?

Postby 790thSFS » Wed Oct 19, 2016 1:55 pm

Look who is trying to talk shit!? All you stupid fucks let Trump be your candidate. All because he said he was going to build a wall! Fucker is a rapist like most white people who think they have power. The only people who are republicans are the ones who live outside of CA. I agree with Trump in a way, but build the Wall around CA and you fucks can have america! Everyone here is liberal as shit, any liberal law that comes up, it always wins in a landslide. We got the best weather, best jobs, best opportunities, best wines, etc. What do all those other shithole states have in common? They're all empty expect for the 1 or 2 big cities in those states. Nothing in NV, OR, AR, UT, NM, Idaho, Washington, etc. Nothing but hillbilly motherfuckers living those states
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Re: What's Wrong With Hillary Clinton Supporters?

Postby Forbiddenraider » Wed Oct 19, 2016 2:27 pm

California sucks you ignorant spic! Fuckin earthquakes, wildfires, faggots & illegals! You have a water shortage. Of course liberals win in a landslide for everything that's why California is looking more like a 3rd world country. Not all of us wanted Trump. I think Trump is a piece of shit but still a million times better than Hillary. Go back to Mexico you knife wielding beaner
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Re: What's Wrong With Hillary Clinton Supporters?

Postby FreddieB25 » Wed Oct 19, 2016 2:41 pm

790thSFS wrote:Look who is trying to talk shit!? All you stupid fucks let Trump be your candidate. All because he said he was going to build a wall! Fucker is a rapist like most white people who think they have power. The only people who are republicans are the ones who live outside of CA. I agree with Trump in a way, but build the Wall around CA and you fucks can have america! Everyone here is liberal as shit, any liberal law that comes up, it always wins in a landslide. We got the best weather, best jobs, best opportunities, best wines, etc. What do all those other shithole states have in common? They're all empty expect for the 1 or 2 big cities in those states. Nothing in NV, OR, AR, UT, NM, Idaho, Washington, etc. Nothing but hillbilly motherfuckers living those states

Lived in Calif for almost twenty years. Its not all that...you have the weather and beaches that you can only swim in 3 months of the year in without a wetsuit in So Cal because the water is too cold otherwise. Other than that you can get most anything else in most other states. A beaner like you is lucky to have a home in my country and that your grateful for. Now go get me a taco Gustavo!! My car needs a washing as well ese.
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Re: What's Wrong With Hillary Clinton Supporters?

Postby blazin1 » Wed Oct 19, 2016 2:42 pm

790thSFS wrote:Look who is trying to talk shit!? All you stupid fucks let Trump be your candidate. All because he said he was going to build a wall! Fucker is a rapist like most white people who think they have power. The only people who are republicans are the ones who live outside of CA. I agree with Trump in a way, but build the Wall around CA and you fucks can have america! Everyone here is liberal as shit, any liberal law that comes up, it always wins in a landslide. We got the best weather, best jobs, best opportunities, best wines, etc. What do all those other shithole states have in common? They're all empty expect for the 1 or 2 big cities in those states. Nothing in NV, OR, AR, UT, NM, Idaho, Washington, etc. Nothing but hillbilly motherfuckers living those states

California is a shithole. I lived in SoCal and the Bay. I like the Bay Area way better than SoCal and still visit. I would never live there again though.

If you like guns Hillary is the wrong person to be voting for. She will use executive orders to increase gun control. Who knows, that bitch may try to ban guns outright. She is a Nazi cunt.
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Re: What's Wrong With Hillary Clinton Supporters?

Postby 790thSFS » Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:11 pm

When you leave CA, all you see is small towns, trailer parks EVERYWHERE, inbreeds, racist trump supporters - they probably never even liked trump before, but he said he was going to build a wall, "He's our next president then - YEE-HAW!!!"

I've been that trailer park state illinois. Its too fuckin cold in the winter, too fuckin hot in the summer. The last earthquake we had was way back in 89. Forbidden was probably just graduating his special ed classes in high school back then with his faggot mullet hairdo. We don't have shit like blizzards, floods, tornados, hurricanes you pussies have to deal with every year. We have plenty of water Forbidden, every time I finger your mom, the water flows down her snatch and fills out lakes you European colonist.
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Re: What's Wrong With Hillary Clinton Supporters?

Postby Forbiddenraider » Wed Oct 19, 2016 5:48 pm

Your Dad took a mop job at a gloryhole to get in this country 790! Your mom sucked every dick along the Rio Grande to get in and your grandpa? He's still an old drug mule sneaking across the border with cocaine shoved up his ass. You search 790's ancestral tree and it leads to a donkey & a bag of coke. 790s family is in the drug smuggling business, his mom smuggled him, his 50 brothers & 20 pounds of coke in her blown out snatch. They are professionals
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Re: What's Wrong With Hillary Clinton Supporters?

Postby Forbiddenraider » Wed Oct 19, 2016 6:00 pm

Hey 790, I know your putting that Mexican education to good use but you do realize they don't have hurricanes in Illinois right? Now finish trimming the hedges
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