Let's see the liberals defend this one

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Re: Let's see the liberals defend this one

Postby 790thSFS » Fri Jul 15, 2016 12:10 pm

Forbiddenraider wrote:I hate the blacks, gays & sand i love rainbows. Anyone else I can tolerate even Mexicans. They have good food & at least they work. All other races can co exist except for the i love rainbows & Sand i love rainbows. Cut from the same cloth they are. They are both worthless

Sand i love rainbows......LOL! fucking asshole
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Re: Let's see the liberals defend this one

Postby 790thSFS » Fri Jul 15, 2016 12:11 pm

FreddieB25 wrote:
790thSFS wrote:
FreddieB25 wrote:Gustavo quit choking on your quesadilla and speak English beeener boy!!! LOL!! Yeah Cali has much to offer to wealthy people that can afford to travel around that state and do those things. Beeners like you can't afford that but like to brag about how great their state is. Lived in Diego for 15 years and spent a lot of time in LA as well...you don't need to tell me about that place. Be a nice start if Cali didn't have all those legal and illegal beeners there that would be a nice start.

I can afford your mom blowing my cock. and yes I like to brag about it. Now wonder you hate mexicans, they beat your ass in SD on a regular basis and probably got your wife pregnant. You trailer trash fucks need us to supply you with Meth and Heroin.

LOL!!!! Well known fact beeners have very small peckers...right down there with the Asians brah!!! LOL

stop thinking about dick faggit. i bet you're some bitch ass lil kid
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Re: Let's see the liberals defend this one

Postby 790thSFS » Fri Jul 15, 2016 12:18 pm

Forbiddenraider wrote:Ha! "You need us to supply you with meth & heroin" he sounds proud that his race is a bunch of drug dealing scum! 790 your country's number 1 export is cocaine & Mexican hookers! 790's mom is both a hooker & drug mule for the cartel

the only scum are the ones doing the drugs like you and your entire race. If there wasn't such a high demand for meth and crack that white people love to do, there wouldn't even be a drug business that existed. You can't even argue with me on that. you always talk about weed on here. I bet you're buying that mex brick weed and lovin it. The cool thing about where I live, I can buy high grade at low prices legally. KUSH is the only way to go IMO.
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Re: Let's see the liberals defend this one

Postby Forbiddenraider » Fri Jul 15, 2016 9:23 pm

First thing I'll ever agree with 790 on. Kush is the way to go and of course the hashish. Here's a news flash for you, you can get killer weed anywhere, not just California bean breath! I'll leave the Mexican brick weed to your cousins to sell to the spooks. You are right about the white meth heads too, another disgrace to the white race along with wiggers. Weed out the weak! The way I see it is if your willing to do meth that was smuggled into this country up a grimy mexican's asshole you deserve to die! When they searched Juan at the border they found 60 grams of meth, 100 grams of cocaine, 2 dead cockroaches and 2 side rails keester stashed
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Re: Let's see the liberals defend this one

Postby Forbiddenraider » Fri Jul 15, 2016 9:46 pm

First thing a Mexican learns as a kid is how to keester stash. 790 keester stashed a stolen lawn mower blade on his first trip to an American hardware store. 790's lawnmower is custom made! Pure performance, it glides across the lawn with a grace & beauty only a drunken spic could appreciate! It's got the capacity to hold 5 skinny beaners, 2 in the front 3 hanging off the back for maximum grass cutting precision. Custom silver & black paint job, it's even got a storage bin with side rails for junk collected on the mow route! Buy the 790 high performance beaner leaner lawnmower on sale for $12.50 at your local Mexican flea market.
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