Trump sides with Dems against NRA

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Trump sides with Dems against NRA

Postby Tenebrous » Wed Jun 15, 2016 4:42 pm

Donald Trump is planning to meet with the National Rifle Association about measures to keep people on the "no fly" list from purchasing guns.

"I will be meeting with the NRA, who has endorsed me, about not allowing people on the terrorist watch list, or the no fly list, to buy guns," the presumptive Republican nominee tweeted Wednesday morning.

In the aftermath of the Orlando terror attack, Democratic Sens. Dianne Feinstein, Calif., and Chuck Schumer, N.Y., have sought to revive a previously failed bill that would prevent individuals whose names are included on government watch lists from legally purchasing a firearm or explosive of any kind.

Feinstein and other top Democrats claim the no fly list ban is the "most relevant" measure lawmakers can take in response to the mass shooting that left 49 killed and 53 injured in Florida.

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"These attacks are preventable. Mass shootings are the status quo because Congress has voted against sensible gun safety measures – it's that simple," Schumer said earlier this week. He described the Feinstein proposal as "a logical, and first, and most likely-to-pass step."

A similar measure proposed in 2009 was strongly opposed by the NRA. The organization claimed the measure could potentially violate Americans' Second Amendment rights by blocking law-abiding individuals mistakenly placed on the list from purchasing guns.

"The NRA's only objective is to ensure that Americans who are wrongly on the list are afforded their constitutional right to due process," the group's website states. "It is appalling that anti-gun politicians are exploiting the Paris terrorist attacks to push their gun-control agenda and distract from President Obama's failed foreign policy."

The NRA emphasized their commitment to due process in a response Wednesday to immediate speculation that Trump might urge them to support a "no fly" list gun ban.

"Happy to meet [Donald Trump]. Our position is no guns for terrorists – period. Due process and right to self-defense for law-abiding Americans," the organization wrote in a tweet.

Anyone surprised?

Smh, the Republican nominee should be fighting to protect gun rights, not make it easier to attack gun rights. Smh, this would be terrible if passed, because it would set the precedent of taking away someone's 2nd Amendment right without a conviction. Smh, yet Trump is sadly and predictably missing the danger to liberty.
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Re: Trump sides with Dems against NRA

Postby silver & black » Wed Jun 15, 2016 5:30 pm

Tell me.... why should anyone on the "no fly" list or the 'terrorist watch list "be able to purchase a gun? Are you serious Tene!? Why in the hell would you WANT anyone on either list to be allowed to purchase a gun!!!???
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Re: Trump sides with Dems against NRA

Postby silver & black » Wed Jun 15, 2016 5:48 pm

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Re: Trump sides with Dems against NRA

Postby Tenebrous » Wed Jun 15, 2016 5:58 pm

silver & black wrote:Tell me.... why should anyone on the "no fly" list or the 'terrorist watch list "be able to purchase a gun? Are you serious Tene!? Why in the hell would you WANT anyone on either list to be allowed to purchase a gun!!!???

Because I don't want to give the federal government the power to circumvent the 2nd Amendment. To take away a citizen's Constitutional right without a court conviction is frightening. Once this precedent is set, it will make it easier for the government to take away the same right from more citizens.
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Re: Trump sides with Dems against NRA

Postby DeadRinger » Wed Jun 15, 2016 6:03 pm

Tene you're completely full of horseshit. Completely. It's actually sad that you'd let your insane HATRED of the man turn you into a liar. You just don't fucking care anymore what you say, as long as it slams Trump in some way, shape or form.

So here's the real deal, for anyone who cares about the truth:

Far from GOING AGAINST the NRA on this issue, Trump has scheduled a MEETING with... Take a guess... THE FUCKING NRA. Why? Because he wants to understand this better, including all the problems and possible solutions. That's what he's doing.

The man thinks there COULD BE merit in addressing this particular issue in SOME way, and he wants to research it ALL. Like any fucking good representative of the people would.

Undoubtedly the NRA will educate him on all their objections - and believe me, the NRA is not as dead-set against this as Tene would have you believe - and discuss all - if any - ways to do this without infringing on everyone's rights to due process OR creating a legal framework that the dems could possibly tweak in the future in ways that would allow them to target specific people in an arbitrary way.

The title of this thread is fucking ASINIE AND UNTURE, and I'm done with this bullshit. I will be listening to what Trump has to say about this as he goes through the process of investigating possibilities, not to these types of psychotic rants that are driven by a disturbingly high level of pure hatred.

IF Trump winds up actually "going against" the NRA on this issue, then we can talk. Until then, Tene's a fucking liar.

That's all.
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Re: Trump sides with Dems against NRA

Postby Tenebrous » Wed Jun 15, 2016 8:24 pm

DeadRinger wrote:Tene you're completely full of horseshit. Completely. It's actually sad that you'd let your insane HATRED of the man turn you into a liar. You just don't fucking care anymore what you say, as long as it slams Trump in some way, shape or form.

So here's the real deal, for anyone who cares about the truth:

Far from GOING AGAINST the NRA on this issue, Trump has scheduled a MEETING with... Take a guess... THE FUCKING NRA. Why? Because he wants to understand this better, including all the problems and possible solutions. That's what he's doing.

The man thinks there COULD BE merit in addressing this particular issue in SOME way, and he wants to research it ALL. Like any fucking good representative of the people would.

Undoubtedly the NRA will educate him on all their objections - and believe me, the NRA is not as dead-set against this as Tene would have you believe - and discuss all - if any - ways to do this without infringing on everyone's rights to due process OR creating a legal framework that the dems could possibly tweak in the future in ways that would allow them to target specific people in an arbitrary way.

The title of this thread is fucking ASINIE AND UNTURE, and I'm done with this bullshit. I will be listening to what Trump has to say about this as he goes through the process of investigating possibilities, not to these types of psychotic rants that are driven by a disturbingly high level of pure hatred.

IF Trump winds up actually "going against" the NRA on this issue, then we can talk. Until then, Tene's a fucking liar.

That's all.

I call BS Dead. Did you read the response from the NRA? They'll meet with Trump, but basically people shouldn't expect the NRA to change their position on this issue. What does that say? How did the NRA know what Trump is going to talk about at the meeting? Why didn't Trump stand up with the NRA? Clearly there has already been a discussion and disagreement.

Moreover, look at Trump's history of siding with Dems on gun control issues -- see Trump support for Obama's anti-gun speech after Newtown. Further, Trump has lamented that there are too many guns in America. Now, look at the NRA's history of standing up for gun rights against attacks from the Left. It doesn't take a rocket-scientist to figure out where Trump and the NRA stand here.

Smh, sadly so many Trump-toddler-train passengers have their heads so far up Mr. Trump's arse that they no longer care about reality - even on issues that they would otherwise care about. Clearly, there has been dialogue on the issue between the two and there is still a disagreement between Trump and the NRA which is why Trump is going to the NRA - to try and change their minds .. instead of fighting for gun rights agaimst Dems .. or try to stop them from publicly criticizing him. Smh.

The NRA is not really against this?? Really, based on what?! Smh, this is ridiculous. Yes, the NRA is concerned and should be very concerned about this. Weakening gun rights for a few citizens weakens the gun rights of all citizens. Smh. Just unbelievable how far Trump supporters will go to support Trump.
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Re: Trump sides with Dems against NRA

Postby Forbiddenraider » Wed Jun 15, 2016 9:06 pm

I'm all for guns 100% but if your on a terrorist watch list it's pretty obvious you should not be allowed access to them. That's common sense! I can't believe we allow them to freely purchase guns to begin with! Insanity!
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Re: Trump sides with Dems against NRA

Postby Forbiddenraider » Wed Jun 15, 2016 9:14 pm

I get what you are saying Tene but there has to be certain exceptions. These towel heads need to be disarmed at all costs! They don't get rights even if they are citizens because they are stinkin camel fucking Arabs that should be exterminated. Too bad we couldn't kick start the old gas chambers at Auchwitz and fill up with these Arab fucks. That's what I would like to do to them. That's how you stop a problem! Might be brutal but terrorism would decrease 99%! I just hate sand Nigggers so much I want them all dead
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Re: Trump sides with Dems against NRA

Postby Tenebrous » Wed Jun 15, 2016 9:35 pm

Forbiddenraider wrote:I'm all for guns 100% but if your on a terrorist watch list it's pretty obvious you should not be allowed access to them. That's common sense! I can't believe we allow them to freely purchase guns to begin with! Insanity!

On abortion, anti-abortionists held that it is only common sense that abortion only be allowed in cases of rape and incest. SCOTUS then said if abortion can be legal on some occasions, it must be legal for all occasions because the Court is not the business of discriminating between classes of people. The lesson here is that if you willingly surrender a finger of liberty, the Left will eventually take the entire hand and more. Judicial history warns us of this. See also religion. Cases against Mormons, for example, were eventually used against all religions and now we have even the words "under God" in jeopardy and are moving everyday toward a secular country without even a single vote or Amendment.

Speaking of common-sense, it is only common-sense that an elderly man who has never fought to defend the 2nd Amendment, but indeed spoke/acted out against guns repeatedly, will not fight to defend the 2nd Amendment. Indeed, even if Trump is ignorant of the legal consequences of taking away a citizen's 2nd Amendment right without adjudication, which is very dangerous in itself, both scenarios speak loudly against Trump as a defender of the 2nd Amendment ... it's just common-sense.
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Last edited by Tenebrous on Thu Jun 16, 2016 11:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Trump sides with Dems against NRA

Postby Tenebrous » Wed Jun 15, 2016 9:38 pm

Forbiddenraider wrote:I get what you are saying Tene but there has to be certain exceptions. These towel heads need to be disarmed at all costs! They don't get rights even if they are citizens because they are stinkin camel fucking Arabs that should be exterminated. Too bad we couldn't kick start the old gas chambers at Auchwitz and fill up with these Arab fucks. That's what I would like to do to them. That's how you stop a problem! Might be brutal but terrorism would decrease 99%! I just hate sand Nigggers so much I want them all dead

I am not going to get into your racism here, but will note that attacks on some lawful citizens will eventually poison the rights of all citizens. If there is sufficient evidence, try the would-be terrorists in a court of law. Instead, the Left would grant enemy combatants on foreign soil Constitutional rights and limit 2nd Amendment rights against actual citizens. Smh.
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