Forbiddenraider wrote:You have to ban guns for certain members of the population. You can't let a retarded kid get a gun, a schizophrenic, mentally ill or a criminal who has been convicted of gun violence in the past just walk in and buy a gun. These sandy camel rapists fall into that category. They let Corky from Life Goes On suit up for the football game but they ain't gonna let him walk around with a gun! The only way to stop terrorism is what I mentioned above! Extermination! It's obviously never gonna happen but it is the best solution. It's been like this for centuries, the barbarians didn't want to co exist with Rome they wanted to kill the entire roman population & Rome wanted to wipe out the barbarians. They could never co exist so for thousands of years they fought to destroy each other. Same thing now, we will never peacefully co exist with them because they FUCKIN HATE US!! So what do we do? If we were playing by ancient rules of war we would have already won the war on terror.
FreddieB25 wrote:There should be a thourough background check on purchasing high end assault rifles that can take out dozens of people within minutes. I know people can get them on the black market but it shouldn't be a right to be able to purchase these weapons as easily as they do. The NRA, oil, tobacco, pharmaceuticals companies and others basically own our politicians.
FreddieB25 wrote:There should be a thourough background check on purchasing high end assault rifles that can take out dozens of people within minutes. I know people can get them on the black market but it shouldn't be a right to be able to purchase these weapons as easily as they do. The NRA, oil, tobacco, pharmaceuticals companies and others basically own our politicians.
790thSFS wrote:Since I've been in the military, I can tell you that the m-16/civilian ar-15 are highly dangerous weapons. When I joined, they didn't just throw a rifle at me and expect me know how to use and work it. We had a half day of classroom training alone before we were allow to hit the range with it. Then we are certified every 6 months on this rifle. I think the same should be done in the civilian world if these are allowed to be sold. I carried this thing every day for 4 years straight. Even in the military, there is a very strict code of conduct when it comes to weapons. Safety was always key. At the end of the day when we were done, we had to turn them in. I remember if you were living on a base, you could not just buy and bring a firearm on base. You had to turn it into the armory and check it out if you wanted to use it at the range or whatever. Its too easy for a for dirtbags to get a hold of these rifles and use them against innocent people or soft targets. I own one now, I built it, put every lever, pin and screwed on my own barrel with custom muzzle. After this last mass shooting, I had to tell my wife if were are somewhere in a public place and some crazy ass starts shooting, stay low, keep moving and take cover, but whatever you do, don't stop moving. I can't believe I had to tell my wife this. But this can happen to anyone anywhere. It doesn't matter if you are a rep or dem, gay or straight, black or blue. Shit can go down anywhere. I doubt its going to end anytime soon.
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