Take a good look that's the First Lady of the US!! She's to ugly to be the First Lady of a village in fuckin Nigeria! She's hard to recognize when she's out of her tree. Waiting for the spaceship with Cornelius the renegade ape to arrive & take her back to the planet of the apes.
From swinging on trees to swinging from the chandiler in the White House! Hillary is gonna be slipping on old banana peels & spilled grape soda when she waddles her fat ass in there after the Obongo's find another cage to shit in.
Hopefully this is the last time the White House security has to deal with late night KFC deliveries to the White house to feed that fuckin affirmative action lawyer dick tucking piece of a shit.
In all honesty. If u took her to the zoo & left her in the monkey cage alongside the other chimps would anyone notice it's Michelle Obongo?!? I can't even determine the sex of the animal just by looking at her face.