Little Bernie Supporters Freak Out On Trump Supporters

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Little Bernie Supporters Freak Out On Trump Supporters

Postby blazin1 » Mon May 02, 2016 6:49 pm

Little Bernie Supporters Freak Out On Trump Supporters
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Re: Little Bernie Supporters Freak Out On Trump Supporters

Postby Forbiddenraider » Tue May 03, 2016 10:31 am

I'd like to slap that stupid looking sombrero of that little pricks head. Right now those little spics are refugees, in 10 years they will be taco benders, in 20 years they will be bagging yard waste. I'd put those little fuckers in a lawn mower shaped boat & send them down a river and off a giant waterfall.
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Re: Little Bernie Supporters Freak Out On Trump Supporters

Postby Tenebrous » Tue May 03, 2016 12:30 pm

Smh, both Bernie supporters and Trump supporters support big government, expanded Obamacare, and abortion -- difference is that Bernie supporters are more honest. Difference is Sanders is ostensibly more pro-gun than Trump (out of necessity in NH). Trump is a disaster in what was a very winnable GOP election year. Just unbelievable.
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Re: Little Bernie Supporters Freak Out On Trump Supporters

Postby DeadRinger » Tue May 03, 2016 1:08 pm

If Cruz hadn't gone scumbag on us, maybe he'd have a chance at the nomination. Instead, he played politics as usual and got Trump's shoe stuck up his ass. Now he's dead in the water.

Cruz is a lifelong politician. Groomed from childhood. Worked for pols before he became one himself. Plays the Washington game like his mama gave birth to him on the floor of the Senate.

He tried to fuck over both Carson and Rubio with misinformation. Then he started paying off Trump's delegates. Stood up there and declared a sweeping grass roots victory in a state where The People were never even allowed to vote.

Those were some serious campaign miscalculations given our current hatred of "politics as usual." Tone deaf. And now he's fucked.

Such is life.

Luckily, Trump is not actually pro big government, or pro abortion, or anything else you said. As far as pro-gun, to the best of my knowledge Sanders doesn't carry concealed, while Trump does. Every day. And Sanders isn't calling for a national CCW reciprocation law, while Trump is. So that argument doesn't hold even a little bit of water.

So none of what you said about Trump is true. So it's all good.

But I'm not going to argue this shit with you, because I've already argued it ad nauseum with too many people to count. So you stick with what floats your boat, I'll stick with what works for me.
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Re: Little Bernie Supporters Freak Out On Trump Supporters

Postby Forbiddenraider » Tue May 03, 2016 1:53 pm

Fuck Cruz. I'm pro choice, last thing we need with the way the mulinyans and the immigrants breed is more of these worthless fucks. I say get more abortions, cause no one is gonna raise them anyway. Most confusing day of the year in Harlem is Fathers Day. Guess who's gotta pay for them? You guessed right the tax paying working white man. Plus what about rape victims? They don't want to have a kid from a rape. Too bad Hillary wasn't aborted
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Re: Little Bernie Supporters Freak Out On Trump Supporters

Postby Forbiddenraider » Tue May 03, 2016 1:58 pm

At least if some of these illegals were respectful it wouldn't be as bad but look at those little asshole giving the middle finger & shit. Show some respect you little beaner fuckwad! Send him back to his shot hole country so drug lords can use them as drug mules I don't give a rat's ass!! At least have enough respect to learn the language you border hopping fucks! If I lived in Germany I would learn to speak German not expect their society to conform to me. Assholes
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Re: Little Bernie Supporters Freak Out On Trump Supporters

Postby DeadRinger » Tue May 03, 2016 2:00 pm

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Re: Little Bernie Supporters Freak Out On Trump Supporters

Postby Forbiddenraider » Tue May 03, 2016 2:02 pm

He's holding a sign that says brown pride. Brown pride? If you had any pride you would respect the rules of another country & apply to become a citizen like they do when they come from Europe. Brown pride, black pride is ok but mention white pride & your a racist
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Re: Little Bernie Supporters Freak Out On Trump Supporters

Postby Forbiddenraider » Tue May 03, 2016 2:03 pm

Ha! I saw that Dead. Tells him to drop the fuck out of the race! I like it
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Re: Little Bernie Supporters Freak Out On Trump Supporters

Postby Tenebrous » Tue May 03, 2016 2:10 pm

DeadRinger wrote:If Cruz hadn't gone scumbag on us, maybe he'd have a chance at the nomination. Instead, he played politics as usual and got Trump's shoe stuck up his ass. Now he's dead in the water.

Cruz is a lifelong politician. Groomed from childhood. Worked for pols before he became one himself. Plays the Washington game like his mama gave birth to him on the floor of the Senate.

He tried to fuck over both Carson and Rubio with misinformation. Then he started paying off Trump's delegates. Stood up there and declared a sweeping grass roots victory in a state where The People were never even allowed to vote.

Those were some serious campaign miscalculations given our current hatred of "politics as usual." Tone deaf. And now he's fucked.

Such is life.

Luckily, Trump is not actually pro big government, or pro abortion, or anything else you said. As far as pro-gun, to the best of my knowledge Sanders doesn't carry concealed, while Trump does. Every day. And Sanders isn't calling for a national CCW reciprocation law, while Trump is. So that argument doesn't hold even a little bit of water.

So none of what you said about Trump is true. So it's all good.

But I'm not going to argue this shit with you, because I've already argued it ad nauseum with too many people to count. So you stick with what floats your boat, I'll stick with what works for me.

Cruz didn't go scumbag and if any candidate went scumbag it is Trump by a wide mile. Attaching Heidi Cruz because of her looks, Carly Fiorina's face, etc. Cruz has spent his life fighting for the Constitution in court -- indeed he is a freshman Senator. MeNwhile, Trump has lined the pockets of Clinton, Pelosi, Reed, etc. for DECADES.

Smh, Trump's talking points are not facts. Fact was CNN first reported the story - not Cruz. Someone on his campaign then saw that on CNN and went to social media. Regarding Rubio, that's all on Rubio which really exposed his lack of character. Rubio, not Cruz, joined Gang of 8 for amnesty and Cruz, not Runbio, led the charge to defeat it. Cruz won, and Rubio and amnesty lost. Instead of being honest, Rubio lied and even copied Trump's lyin' Ted to hide the truth from voters. That's all on Rubio.

Actually, Trump is pro-big government -- he says Obamacare doesn't go far enough and people are not paying enough. Sound familiar? He wants to use the power of the government to try and punish businesses for leaving instead of cutting taxes and regulation for a better business environment. He wants to expand the power of eminent domain, etc. How is all this accomplished without big government? Yes, Trump is for big government.

You want to talk abortion? OK, Trump has supported even partial birth abortions - which even some pro-choice people do not support. Now that he's running, he says he is so pro-life you wouldn't believe it. He's right, I don't believe it -- especially after he tried to prove he's so pro-life that he actually used a pro-choice taking point. Remember the outrage about his comments regarding punishing women who have abortions? Yeah, that came from pro-choice talking points about about pro-lifers, not from the pro-life movement.

2nd Amendment? OK, Trump praised Obama's anti-gun speech after Newtown. He has said that there are too many guns in America. Heck, he has funded both Pelois and Hillary among others who hate the 2nd Amendment.

Unfortunately, I have experience trying to reason with Trump supporters and it's an almost impossible task. No matter the facts, they don't care. It's like a cult where Donald's lies are somehow gospel and actual history and facts are lies to keep the chosen orange one away from the nomination. In every way, Trump is a disaster.
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Last edited by Tenebrous on Tue May 03, 2016 2:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hillary vs. Trump -- Two liberals running in the general election .. A race likely decided by which party hates their dishonest candidate less.

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