Tranny ‘Girls’ Upset Because Straight Guys Won’t Date Them

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Re: Tranny ‘Girls’ Upset Because Straight Guys Won’t Date Th

Postby Forbiddenraider » Wed May 25, 2016 6:30 pm

Some of us see homosexuality/transvestites as disgusting & immoral. If people like Ghost want to condone & encourage that shit then that is fine. But if you come out against it the liberal douche bags like him get thier panties in a wad. Some of us don't like seeing our country invaded & destroyed by illegal aliens, maybe Ghost doesn't care but a lot of people think it's wrong & crippling our country. Some of us see blacks sponging off the system for decades & burning down our cities because they didn't get the verdict they wanted as disgusting. OJ was guilty, even an asshole like Ghost knows that but when the verdict came in & he got off I didn't see any white people rioting cause they didn't get the verdict they wanted! Being a real man in these times can be difficult with liberal homos like Ghost spewing his liberal views & kissing Al Sharpton's ass but what can you do? We have to stick to our beliefs because we feel we are right. Ghost may not have a problem if his daughter goes into a bathroom with a transsexual but if I had a daughter she ain't going in there with a mentally Ill transsexual. No fuckin way, so let the little twat keep crying about shit, that's what he is best at.
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Re: Tranny ‘Girls’ Upset Because Straight Guys Won’t Date Th

Postby Ghost2Post » Thu May 26, 2016 9:53 am

Got it, nice to know I have a place to come visit you forbidden fucktard. Cant wait to meet you at your “stripclub". Is that on the southside of Chicago where the black people throw you in dumpsters and piss on you??? And for the last time dipshit, what makes you think I am a liberal? Cuz you said so? Laughable! I just don’t give a flying fuck what others do, if they aren’t fucking with me, or my family, who cares? Don’t like to waste my time spewing negative horseshit every chance I get. But I do like to fuck with particular idiots who do. That’d be you.

Yeah, I dont think you land any hot girls... ever, because you work in a strip club. In fact because you work in a strip club, you prolly never go home with the talent. You are just that fat dude eternally stuck in the friendzone, no wife/girlfriend to speak of, sitting in the corner eating a big ol plate of BBQ sauce. Good one. I ain’t buying it. But I am looking forward to seeing it with my own two eyes.
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Re: Tranny ‘Girls’ Upset Because Straight Guys Won’t Date Th

Postby Forbiddenraider » Thu May 26, 2016 10:55 am

You are a liberal and a faggot. Your so fuckin clueless you asshole! If you had a fuckin brain you would know that there is national strippers, these would be the popular porn sluts like Jenna Haze exc.. Those are big money making girls & employees are not allowed to flirt with or fuck them because that would disrupt the bottom line asshole. If u have a stripper/porn star and you fuck with them & they get pissed they will not come back & the club loses money so I don't want to hear how you would "fuck all the sluts" cause you are so cool. Then you have local "talent" as you say, these are local whores making money & most have cocaine addictions, your free to talk to flirt with or do whatever outside the job. U can get phone number & do what you want as long as you keep your relationship outside the job. No I'm not fat, I'm not in the "friend zone" as you say either if you knew anything or have ever banged stripper calibre broads you would know that no one wants to be their fuckin friend you idiot! U want a friend with a meth addiction? If u knew anything you would know you bang them once & GTFO. There's no friend zone you homo! I been doing this for 9 years you asshole! I bet if one of these whores got a hold of a naive punk like you they would drain your bank account in 2 minutes & leave you broke in a hotel room cleaned the fuck out! You know nothing. Your just a punk who's dream it would be to say I fucked a stripper because we all know you never will! So you still haven't given me a date & time when you are gonna show up & throw hands with me. You've threatened again but still haven't provided any info. Once again your full of shit
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Re: Tranny ‘Girls’ Upset Because Straight Guys Won’t Date Th

Postby Forbiddenraider » Thu May 26, 2016 11:16 am

You say you don't give a fuck what others do as long as it doesn't affect you and your family you don't give a fuck right? Ok, so you don't care but would you care if one of those illegal aliens killed one of your family members? It's happened to a lot of people in this country. Would you care if one of those sand Niggger refugees raped your daughter? Like they have been doing in Europe? Would you care when those riots in Baltimore or Ferguson reached your back door? I bet you'd care if they lit your house on fire? Do you also not care that half your paycheck goes to paying for people's free housing, food & medical care? You and your family are already being fucked with you dumb fuck & your to dumb to even realize it. Typical liberal fag with his head in the sand & his ass in the air. You are a pathetic excuse for a man. Lastly, to address all the bullshit you have said, do I not like black people because they throw me in a dumpster & piss on me? No, I've never been pissed on & thrown in a dumpster but I assure you if you take one step on the south side they WILL piss on you & throw you in a dumpster. Then they would shoot you. You condone that shit? White people getting killed & pusses on in a ghetto hood? You condone that animal behavior? You condone people who have no respect for you or your family? Once again, your a sad excuse for a man. Pussy
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Re: Tranny ‘Girls’ Upset Because Straight Guys Won’t Date Th

Postby Ghost2Post » Thu May 26, 2016 2:11 pm

More fear…… I never discussed what I would or wouldn't condone dipshit! And I clearly wasn't talking about violence when I made the statements. Here is the thing Forbidden, you are obviously a Republicunt, in a Republicunt vs Democraps conversation. I don't buy in to this 2 party fixed monopoly. Did you know that if you don’t register for one, or the other, that you cannot even vote? That sounds kind of lame, right? What if both of these party s joined forces to make bad deals, for self profit, manipulate the Armed services, or worse…. What if big business owns both Party s? Which, sadly, they do. Can you hear yourself complaining that your rights are going away, complaining about the well being of the United States? Are they afraid an Independant will jump on the chance to call them out on their bullshit? Probably.

Who are you calling a “liberal” Capt FucKtard? Because I believe in human rights, I am a liberal??? I don’t think so dipshit. If you don't like my political opinion, how would you like me to blast that shit all over this “RAIDERS SITE” with endless threads, mixed in with a lot of fear, a bit of racism & dash of bigotry? I know, I know….you are a “tough guy” from Chicago, same place Obama is from, yeah? Nobody generally fucks with me, because I don’t walk around like a scarred animal like yourself. If anyone fucked with my family, I would blast out their left eyeball. But notice, I am not a whine’n crying bitch like you Forbidden. In my world, the sky isn’t falling pal. Unless of course, George Bush and his Republicunt band of shitwads are in office. Reality! Now go take your medicine.
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Re: Tranny ‘Girls’ Upset Because Straight Guys Won’t Date Th

Postby Forbiddenraider » Thu May 26, 2016 2:16 pm

CRICKETS................. He'll be back in month spewing more bullshit it takes him that long to come up with anything. Once again, he threatened to come kick my ass twice! I provided the man with an address, a time & a description of what I look like. What else can I do? Yet despite his threats of him traveling around the country & his "so called" upcoming trip to Chicago (lol) he won't give specifics! When are u gonna be in Chicago? This month? Next week? Describe what YOU look like so when you show up we can go at it. Ok enough with internet fantasy fights! What a fuckin joke!
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Re: Tranny ‘Girls’ Upset Because Straight Guys Won’t Date Th

Postby Forbiddenraider » Thu May 26, 2016 2:25 pm

Hey faggot! I'm no fucking republican! I can't stand a lot of republican bullshit they are to a lesser degree just as fucked as the liberals. Wrong again! It's not about things happening to you or your family it's what's happening to the country we live in & how it affects people & their families. If you are happy with transvestites, gay marriage, giving half your check to gangbangers who shoot more people in Chicago on a daily basis then they shoot in Iraq and your economy being destroyed by illegal aliens invading the country & commiting crimes against it's citizens then you are a fuckin traitor. It's not about republican or democrat it's about right and wrong & these liberals have been wrong for far to long.
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Re: Tranny ‘Girls’ Upset Because Straight Guys Won’t Date Th

Postby Forbiddenraider » Thu May 26, 2016 2:53 pm

Ghost2Post wrote:More fear…… I never discussed what I would or wouldn't condone dipshit! And I clearly wasn't talking about violence when I made the statements. Here is the thing Forbidden, you are obviously a Republicunt, in a Republicunt vs Democraps conversation. I don't buy in to this 2 party fixed monopoly. Did you know that if you don’t register for one, or the other, that you cannot even vote? That sounds kind of lame, right? What if both of these party s joined forces to make bad deals, for self profit, manipulate the Armed services, or worse…. What if big business owns both Party s? Which, sadly, they do. Can you hear yourself complaining that your rights are going away, complaining about the well being of the United States? Are they afraid an Independant will jump on the chance to call them out on their bullshit? Probably.

Who are you calling a “liberal” Capt FucKtard? Because I believe in human rights, I am a liberal??? I don’t think so dipshit. If you don't like my political opinion, how would you like me to blast that shit all over this “RAIDERS SITE” with endless threads, mixed in with a lot of fear, a bit of racism & dash of bigotry? I know, I know….you are a “tough guy” from Chicago, same place Obama is from, yeah? Nobody generally fucks with me, because I don’t walk around like a scarred animal like yourself. If anyone fucked with my family, I would blast out their left eyeball. But notice, I am not a whine’n crying bitch like you Forbidden. In my world, the sky isn’t falling pal. Unless of course, George Bush and his Republicunt band of shitwads are in office. Reality! Now go take your medicine.

I'm no Chicago tough guy. I hate Chicago. You can spew your political views all over the forum if you want to but you best be ready to take on a lot more people on here than me cause I ain't the only one you would be beefing with. I'm probly the least conservative person on here and you would know that if you read anyone else's posts instead of focusing on me cause I used the word Niggger. I'm not the only one who uses that word here but you are to soft to take on more than one person at a time. People have said the same or even worse slurs than me but you don't have the balls to confront anyone else. I take on all comers, you just nitpick like a bitch
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