Tenebrous wrote:I personally liked those badges you had made from the old forums - such as "the merc." Besides adding sentimental value, some of those guys from the old forum may stumble upon this site, remember some us, and perhaps start posting.
NavyRaiders wrote:Well Blaze there are a few features and just one suggestion. First of all, I want to say you have a WONDERFUL SITE but can you do something that we can post automatically? I am sure during game day, it is going to slow down the flow of the conversation. As for the reputation points, it is a good idea in theory but I have seen it ruin some other forums. People just positive rep people they like or if someone posts something funny and give negative reps, just because they disagree with you.
I have one general suggestion to make the flow of topics easier to follow. If we can have general topics in thh lounge and Raider topics separate, it will be easier to follow. Sometimes, they get mixed up. Overall, I think the Raider fans here are cool and knowledgeable, some of the non Raider fans are trolls but that is what the smack talk forum is for. I look forward to exchanging ideas and if you ever have a premium membership or offer a discount for vets, please send me a PM. I do not know if you have or do not have one.
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