Not hearing anything about Jacobs or Drake

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Not hearing anything about Jacobs or Drake

Postby DeadRinger » Thu Aug 05, 2021 6:32 am

So I'm thinking it's getting time to start ramping this fuckin forum back up - first preseason game in just 9 days!

I've heard a lot about how the passing game looks incredible - people hyping up both Edwards and Ruggs.

I've also hear really good things about Leatherwood getting adjusted to the speed of the league.

Really good things coming out of camp about Moehrig's coverage skills. A FS who's able to cover like an elite CB. When was the last time we had that?

What I'm NOT hearing anything about is our run game. Granted, we haven't been in pads long, and it's not like we're really bashing heads out there, but you'd think we'd hear SOMETHING about how Jacobs and Drake look dangerous - SOMETHING. But it's crickets, and that concerns me.

My hunch here - more than a hunch really - is that our new OL just isn't going to be very good at run blocking. Gruden is going to HAVE to shift his offense to a pass-first, open up the run second attack. Because I think they're going to fuck us up in the trenches otherwise. We saw Jacobs fall off quite a bit last season when the OL had injury problems. We could see that become even worse this season. The right side of the line in particular, with James/Good/Leatherwood, I think could get handled pretty badly. And if we can only run left to the outside, well, that's going to get REALLY easy to defend.

So we're going to have to USE all that speed we have to stretch that fuckin fields out a couple miles to give our RBs space to play in. If we allow the LBs to cheat up, I think it's going to be all over for us in terms of the run.

Good news is. it's looking like we'll be more than capable of doing that. The question is: Will Gruden and Carr actually DO that? And I think we can all agree that's a perfectly legitimate question to ask.
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