A new DC and how many new D starters?

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A new DC and how many new D starters?

Postby DeadRinger » Tue May 18, 2021 9:18 am

I hang my hope for the defense mainly on Bradley, as I've said before, and the addition of Ngakoue is a fantastic move because pass rusher is the 2nd most important position in all of football.

So looking at the defense in 2021 I think we could have 5 new starters:

First is Ngakoue on the d-line with Cle on the other side.

2 new DTs: Hankins could very well hold his starting spot, but we could also have a starting duo of Thomas and Jefferson. And would that be a bad thing? Based on our inability to stop the run the last few years, it's really hard to say that would be a bad thing. And of course we'd have Hankins spelling in there, and probably Cle slipping in there when we really need pressure, etc. But that could be 2 new starters right there.

Nothing new at LB. We won't be starting any Deablos or Muses. It's Kwiat and Littleton starting at LB, and we'll be playing the nickel all the time, basically.

But in the d-backfield, we'll have Moehrig starting at FS. The question will be: who starts at SS? I vote for Joseph, but then, I don't get a vote. So we could have Joseph in here but I doubt it. So we'll say the starters here are Moehrig and Abram. One new starter at S.

So at CB we'll def have Hayward starting. Mullen isn't going anywhere, which leaves one spot open. Got to be Arnette. If Arnette and Mullen can't handle 2 starting CB spots then we're going to have to do some triage because after those 3 guys we don't have any legit starters. So Hayward, Mullen and Arnette HAVE to perform. And one other guy HAS to step up to perform admirably when one of those 3 guys misses a game.

So there you have it. 6 guys in the same place as they were last year, and they're all pretty much young up-and-comers. 5 guys who weren't even here last year. A DC who will give us shot in the arm.

That's what we wanted. That's what we needed. That's what we got.
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BETTER be a playoff win in 2022.

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