Raiders extend Kolton Miller

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Raiders extend Kolton Miller

Postby DeadRinger » Wed Mar 31, 2021 6:12 am

Now, I'm ALL for extending this guy, he deserves a big contract and I think he's a GREAT tackle. You guys might remember how PISSED OFF I was when Reggie let Veldheer walk, and I think Miller is better now than Veldheer was then.

But fuckin $18M/yr is a fuckin TON of money! Does that make him the highest-paid o-lineman? I don't know.

Look, you guys know I just don't have as much respect for o-linemen as a lot of football fans do, I think you can put together a good line pretty cheaply if you do it right. This is a gargantuan contract.

So in summary, happy to have him with us through 2025, scratching my head at the numbers.
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