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We only signed Collins for 1 year. WHY?!?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 2:15 pm
by DeadRinger
This is just dumb. This dude is a legit centerpiece on the DL. why the fuck wouldn’t we lock him up?? And why would HE sign a 1-yr deal? What am I missing here?

Re: We only signed Collins for 1 year. WHY?!?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 3:06 pm
by silver & black
Yea..... I don't know. This franchise continues to boggle the mind... no matter the ownership, coaching or GM.

Re: We only signed Collins for 1 year. WHY?!?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 4:31 pm
by piratepride
I often think these 1 year deals are for both the player and the yeam. Most guys that sign these deals ( Karl Joseph) are good players, but over estimated thier value or listened to thier agents bullshit. So they bet on themselves to have kick ass years and resign to a multi year deal after. This is usually what happens with these incentive laden deals IMO.
I agree though,Collins is a kick ass player, maybe they're thinking of DT early and to cut PJ Hall?

Re: We only signed Collins for 1 year. WHY?!?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 6:50 am
by DeadRinger
piratepride wrote:I often think these 1 year deals are for both the player and the yeam. Most guys that sign these deals ( Karl Joseph) are good players, but over estimated thier value or listened to thier agents bullshit. So they bet on themselves to have kick ass years and resign to a multi year deal after. This is usually what happens with these incentive laden deals IMO.
I agree though,Collins is a kick ass player, maybe they're thinking of DT early and to cut PJ Hall?

FUCK DT early, I'll take Collins over anyone who would fall to us at 12. You know, that idiot who fell from a 2-story hotel room window was supposed to be great and the Chiefs - or whoever it was - couldn't wait to unload him. Fuck the draft, give me the guy who has been beating the shit out of NFL players for years.

And I don't understand why Collins didn't find a long-term, higher-paying deal elsewhere. It's a bad deal all-around.

Aside from Littleton, Collins was our best signing by far.