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Rex Ryan calls Amari Cooper a turd

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:02 am
by piratepride
Rex called him the biggest disappearing act in football, and wouldn't have paid this turd if it was his money.
Maybe Rex was sifting through our board also lol.

Amari is a good human bieng and good example of how an NFL player should be in the offseason....but the kid has no dog in him or looks like he even cares about football.
When he got traded all of us fans were confused as to why he celebrated after a touchdown in a Dallas uniform. Like....who was that guy?
What's funny is a few co workers looked at me crazy when I had told them to pay closer attention to it. After the season wore on they noticed but were still in denial due to his good numbers.

Re: Rex Ryan calls Amari Cooper a turd

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 2:13 pm
by DeadRinger
Yeah, he had good numbers bc DAL was winning and they were forcing the ball to him. But look what he did w us before the trade... 280 yds and 1 TD in 6 starts. We had rookies last year who played a LOT better for us than Cooper did.

I loved it when Gruden unloaded him on DAL and got a 1st round pick. It was a great deal.

Re: Rex Ryan calls Amari Cooper a turd

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 4:56 pm
by silver & black
Well .... he is a turd. Not our problem any more.

Re: Rex Ryan calls Amari Cooper a turd

PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 11:08 am
by Forbiddenraider
It was obvious to Gruden Cooper was a turd. Cowboys paying him that much makes me feel like we are no longer a dumb team. Where is Freddie? A great man he was

Re: Rex Ryan calls Amari Cooper a turd

PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 7:52 pm
by silver & black
Forbidden! Good to hear from you. I don't know where Freddie is. Haven't heard from him in some time.

Re: Rex Ryan calls Amari Cooper a turd

PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:39 am
by Forbiddenraider
You too Silver. That sucks about Freddie, I hope he’s alive. I don’t check in as much because I thought we cleared out all the wiggers and soy boys but I guess not. I’m interested to see where we go in the draft. This quarantine sucks

Re: Rex Ryan calls Amari Cooper a turd

PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:59 am
by silver & black
Yea... I'm on week 3 of shut down. I never thought I would miss working so The draft should be interesting... not sure what direction they will go,