Irvin thinks he’s going to be playing DE in 2018

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Irvin thinks he’s going to be playing DE in 2018

Postby DeadRinger » Tue Mar 27, 2018 4:23 pm

Apparently he tweeted something about not having to drop into coverage anymore.

It’s an interesting scenario if true. Irvin across from Mack. Ellis in the middle with either Vanderdoes or....

Wait for it...

Mario Edwards.

Yeah, that dude is big enough to play inside in the 3-technique. The question is whether or not he’s powerful enough to be GOOD inside. And, of course, if he’s actually healthy.

Of course, that blows yet another hole in the starting LB corps. Clearly they think Whitehead is a legit starter. And let’s assume we pick up another starter in the draft - likely in the middle. So who mans the 3rd spot? Morrow and Lee we’re both atrocious last season. New additions Kyle Wilber and Emanuel Lamar are both shit - ok backups, not nearly starter quality. Cory James? The dude is a fucking waste of a roster spot.

If we’re going to put Irvin’s hand on the ground, we have to hit a home run in the draft AND make another FA move at LB. and we still desperately need a couple of CBs like fish need water, even if we stipulate that Conley will be a legit starter next season (which i don’t). And, of course, a RB. And as far as i’m Concerned we need to take a WR in rd 3 or 4.

And let’s not forget that Gilchrist has started only 8 games of the 30 he’s played in over the past 2 seasons. So either Luani or Obi is going to have to step the fuck up this season and take that starting job alongside Joseph.

We’re screwed.
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