Let's talk about WR.

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Re: Let's talk about WR.

Postby DeadRinger » Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:20 am

PHXR8R wrote:
DeadRinger wrote:
PHXR8R wrote:It’s a done deal. Gruden has already installed it the offense to give Carr more shots down field.

https://justblogbaby.com/2018/03/01/der ... sing-game/

If there's one thing I've learned over the years, it's the preseason talk is cheap.

Hell, in-season talk is cheap.

Show me on the field.

So why talk about it at all? Season hasn’t started and you’re already talking bout he better throw deep. He says will. Seems like he’s at least as smart as you are. You should be pleased he’s doing what you told him.

Because TALKING about what it means to our offense and saying "it's a done deal" are two very fucking separate things, douchebag. Where the fuck did you go to school?
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Re: Let's talk about WR.

Postby DeadRinger » Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:31 am

PHXR8R wrote:Oh my bad bro. Part of the rules of this place is I do what you tell me? Gotcha. I’m on it boss. Your posts getting a little long there bro. They told me no long posts here either.

1) Gruden’s playbook, Gruden’s players, Gruden’s calling plays, Gruden’s team.
2) Olson develops back ups and runs practices under Gruden’s direction.
3) Olson doesn’t impact game day or W/L unless he doesn’t develop and prepare back ups.

If you're "on it," then get the fuck on it instead of spewing dumb shit.

1) YOU have no fucking idea how many of Olson's play will be in that playbook, how much influence Olson will have over the game plan and how it's installed. Even if someone SAID this is the way it would be - which NOBODY HAS - guess what? TALK IS CHEAP! So stop making these authoritatively ignorant statements.

2) You're a fucking idiot.

3) I don't know where you come up with this unmitigated brilliance, but every OC in the league influences W/L, period. And Olson has a LONG career rife with influence the L: column a LOT more than the W column. THAT'S a fucking FACT right there, buddy. AND IIRC Gruden has already said he'll be more involved in all aspects of the team than he was in the past.

I thought you were supposed to be about the facts? Yet all I see is conjecture disguised as some lame wannabe insider information. And I'll be tearing that shit up all day long, because i can't stand it.
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Re: Let's talk about WR.

Postby PHXR8R » Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:42 am

So your logic is Olson will have the same results with different players and different responsibilities under a different coaching staff. Gotcha. My response stated I would discuss it after the 18’ season. You’re tearing up nothing but your own ego. What facts have you provided? I at least provided a link that shows the projected game plan from the HC. You have provided nothing other than your opinion that Olson will fail as an OC under Gruden and it is a bad decision to have him on board. You have a better candidate that would take the job knowing he won’t call plays, that won’t rock the boat, that Gruden trusts and has a history with, that helped Carr to an acceptable rookie season?

You’re weak bro. Perhaps posters prior that were intimidated by your tenure here and your “reputation” points will cuck to you, I’m not that poster. Tell me again how your hero Elway “fucks us up” with his 13-15 life time record against us. Lmao. Donk forum is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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Re: Let's talk about WR.

Postby DeadRinger » Thu Mar 01, 2018 12:36 pm

PHXR8R wrote:So your logic is Olson will have the same results with different players and different responsibilities under a different coaching staff. Gotcha. >

OF COURSE IT'S LOGICAL! DUMBASS!! He has failed miserably with multiple coaches, multiple schemes, player group after player group!

I covered all this perfectly in that initial post. If you don't want to READ or to THINK, that's your problem buddy. I'm done w you.
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Re: Let's talk about WR.

Postby PHXR8R » Thu Mar 01, 2018 1:29 pm

So he had nothing to do with making Bortles a better QB. He had nothing to do with making Jared Goff’s passing rating go from 63.5 to 100.5. Nothing to do with Carr throwing for 3200 yards, 21 TDs 12ints his rookie year. Just for comparison sakes, your QB masiah Elway’s rookie year 1663 yards, 7tds 14 int. So he’s not a great coordinator but a damn good QB coach and develpoment coach. Let’s see what we hired him to do. Call plays? No... Gruden does that. Gruden has a playbook that probably no other coach has, so will he need Olsen to design plays? Probably not. Will he be overwatching the practices with emphasis, probably so. Will Olsen install plays and then Gruden calls the games weekly? Not in a million years.

He’s a QB coach with a title of OC. It is fact that Gruden calls plays this year. It is fact that Gruden designs and implements his own plays. It is fact that Olsen has a great repore with Carr and Gruden. It is fact that the Rams are successful in great part due to his contributions to Goff. It is fact that you have zero experience in the NFL and McVey and Gruden, with their success and experience, hired him. I trust them over you.

It is fact that you have very little knowledge of the history of the most heated rivalry we have have outside of the Chiefs. With one clueless comment regarding Elway “fucking us up” year after year, you prove that you are just a mouth piece with superficial knowledge of RAIDER football. Jay Schroeder was 9-1 against DEN. Who was doing the “fucking up” year after year? That’s 4 sweeps and 1 split in 5 years. You don’t want to acknowledge your ignorance on that comment you made do you? LMFAO... you’re not even a real RAIDER fan. I don’t need to use foul language to expose your closet Donkey Mile High secret love affair. You got owned bro. Live with it.
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