Derwin James... Possible pick at #10

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Derwin James... Possible pick at #10

Postby PHXR8R » Tue Mar 06, 2018 8:45 pm

This dude would be hard to pass up at 10 as well. Draft boards have him going all over the place in the first round. High of 7 and low of 18 from what I’ve seen. This guy is what Obi should have been. Many defenses play 3 safeties in the dime package and he would out perform Obi based on what I see on this film. He, Obi, and Kujo could all be on the field at the same time. Kujo to FS, Derwin James to SS and Obi can fight it out with Morrow for playing time. Damn, that backfield would be a strength immediately. Check this tape out if you haven’t noticed him before. I know we need and edge rusher, an LB or corner more ( pre FA), but he sure would look great in Silver and Black. A real thumper with ball skills and versatility.
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